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The Spirit of the Stones by Jean-Luc Billet

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 10th of February 2025


This months' featured exhibition is titled  'The Spirit of the Stones'  by Jean-Luc Billet.

The images in this series are real architectural details, but taken out of context, associated with the natural elements from which they come and where they will return one day. Matter of time under the light. Man has long since deserted these places which continue their evolution, returning to their origins. 

To present his featured exhibition 'The Spirit of the Stones', Jean-Luc quotes: 

"From megaliths to Cistercian abbeys to the pyramids of Egypt, man has always known how to use stone to serve his imagination. Since the beginning, he has built to give shape to his visions, to celebrate the gods he invented, to honor his dead, to impress his rivals, to protect himself from the elements and aggression... In his hands, the heavy rock can be transformed into an aerial dream, express the invisible, exalt the lightness of the soul. Deep in his thoughts, there is also the desire to last, to prolong his ephemeral existence through his buildings, to transmit to future generations a spirituality or an understanding of the world."


I invite you to explore Jean-Luc's wonderful mystical images which convey the Spirit of the Stones.
This exhibition which will be exposed on our opening page  / 
Gallery during the whole month of February 2025. 
Click here to see the entire exhibition: 
[97] Jean-Luc BILLET


To trigger your curiousity, here is a small compilation of images out of this fine exhibition.







Interesting and inspiring article ! Thank you so much and congratulations for these superb pictures !!!
Thank you for sharing your fantastic work Jean-Luc, it is every time of great beauty and aesthetics!
Thank you so much for the inspiring article with great photo works! Congratulations!
Congratulations on your feature. Your work is superb and inspiring. Thanks as always to Yvete.
Many thanks to Yvette for featuring this work. And thanks to all those who have left their thoughts here. It's a great satisfaction for me to be seen and to receive all these positive opinions.
Excellent photo subject, wonderfully captured with Jean-Luc camera, superb photo presentation Jean-Luc, and many thanks Yvette for publishing it.
Wow!Fantastic and inspiring! Learning. Congratulations!
Cool. And inspiring. And very well presented. And... Wow...
Fantastic motifs. Very exciting presented. Congrats Jean-Luc!
Beautiful, imaginative and thought provoking images.
ce sont des images fantastiques, super Jean-Luc!
Suddenly the stone becomes part of time
Wonderful! images. Congratulations!
awesome set of photos