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One Billion Bicycles in the World

by Editor Kimberley
Edited and published by Yvette Depaepe, the 31st of January 2025


'Trace' by Tiger Seo

The bicycle traces its evolution from a rudimentary wooden two-wheeled invention in the early 1800’s, growing to what has become a globally significant mode of transportation and recreation today.


'Flowers girl' by Clas Gustafson PRO

There are many forms of specialized bikes, such as road, mountain, touring and fat bikes, with e-bikes and bike sharing programs emphasizing sustainability and urban mobility.


'Cross-country cycling' by Willi Terfloth

Bicycles have become fundamental to worldwide culture, serving as tools for sport, transportation, and environmental progress in a quest for inexpensive, efficient and accessible movement.


'Stoppage' by Kohei Kawashima

The Tour de France is a cultural icon and is regarded as the one of the toughest endurance sports events, promoting athleticism and fitness around the world.


'Ultimo giro #2' by Lou Urlings

The bicycle has more recently become symbolic of the green movement, a means to reduce our dependence on modes of transportation reliant on the use of fossil fuels. 


'A long road to go.' by Jacob Tuinenga


There is a “guestimated” one billion bicycles in the world with the Netherlands leading with the most per capita. Flat European countries dominate the list of places where there is a strong bicycling culture. Denmark and Germany are not far behind the Netherlands with a high per capita bicycle ownership.


'Ghost rider' by Yvette Depaepe

For the photographer, the bicycle is more than a mode of transport; it can also be a great storyteller offering an opportunity to capture motion or stillness, adventure, mood and aesthetics.


'Bicycle ride' by Bess Hamiti

The bicycle with or without a rider creates context for your image whether it be in a unban or more natural setting. Images can have a focal range from close-up to emphasize shape, abstraction and design to wide angle for creative contextual storytelling.


'closing time' by Holger Droste

Experiment with panning techniques to emphasize speed and movement and lighting whether it be in natural light, silhouettes or in shadows and reflections in puddles.


'The cyclist' by Joshua Raif

As always, skilful post processing can enhance an otherwise everyday image.


'On the streets of Toronto' by Carmine Chiriacò

And, as usual, here are a few more skilfully executed images from our 1x members.


'Tired of pedalling...' by Antonio Grambone



'U Bein Bridge' by Emel Sefer



'Winter spirit' by Ina Tänzer



'the way' by Damijan Sedevcic


'cyclist' by Anette Ohlendorf



'3813 Vs 3814' by Francesco Martinelli



'Advent season' by Roswitha Schleicher-Schwarz


If you're interested in more of 'The History of the bike', click here.


Thank you Kimberly & Yvette for this nice article. I am honored to be included. All the best.
Awesome works
Wonderful article with the fantastic works selected! Best compliments!
Excellent images and inspiring article. Thank you for sharing
Great article !!
자전거라는 컨셉에 많은 작품을 만드시는 훌륭한 작가십니다.
Original and interesting theme ! Congratulations to all photographers for these creative and superb pictures ! Thanks a lot for this article !!!
Thank you so much for the wonderful and inspired article with great photography works!
Superb collection of images, great article, love this theme and the way you ilustrated it, bringing to us so many emotions and so different approaches.Congratulations dear Kimberly and dear Yvette!<3<3
Great photography. Interesting article. Congratulations to all authors!!
Lovely! article and selection of bicycle photos. Congratulations to All Photographers and Thank you! to Kimberly and Yvette.
Nicely written bicycle article accompanied with lovely photographs, However Link to 1x article "History of Bicycle" published in March 2014 is missing here (😊) anyhow many thanks Kimberly and Yvette for bringing it to us, good work.
I added the link to the article 'History of Bicycle', Miro! March 2024 instead o 2014 ;-)
Ok Yvette, IMO both articles fit very well together ☺️
Such beautiful photography and very interesting article, a pleasure to read!!!
Excellent photography. Congratulations to all photographer!! Thanks so much Yvette and Kimberly.
Thank you for selecting one of my images in this beautiful gallery
will done photographs Thank you
Excellent photographs! Thank you
Excellent photography. Congratulations to all photographer!! Thanks so much Yvette and Kimberly.
Det känns hedrande att få vara en av dem som blir representerad med bild i detta reportage om cyklar. Tack Yvette!