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Molly Fu - Expressing creativity through photography


by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 23rd of September 2024


Molly Fu is a lovely artist whose work is very creative and varied. Each image bears her unmistakable signature. Whatever the subject, she edits her photos to look exactly how she felt on location. Her vision is to capture the moment, express it artistically, learn and enjoy, be her own style. Looking at her work, it is no wonder that she admires Saul Leiter. I'm very happy and proud to introduce this great lady to the readers and to immortalise her with this interview in one of her favourite places on 1x: the magazine.


'Roses In Dream'


Dear Molly, first of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to answer this questionnaire! First of all, please introduce yourself and tell us more about yourself, your hobbies or other projects you are involved in!

My name is Molly Fu, I was born in China and immigrated to Canada in 2002. I am an accountant and I am always dealing with numbers at work.  In my spare time, besides photography, I also like travelling, singing, reading, listening to music, anything related to art, anything that is new, creative and fun.
During the epidemic I started to learn drawing, but I couldn't stick to it due to lack of time. I hope to have the opportunity to continue in the future. 


When and how did your photographic journey begin?

I have loved photography since I was a child. I was very jealous of a relative who miraculously captured beautiful landscapes and figures on photographic paper in the darkroom, and I was deeply impressed. My father also used to take photographs and left many precious memories for the family. That is why I have always tried to capture these moments.
However, it was only during the 2020 COVID epidemic that I started to learn photography seriously after joining the Atlantic Photographers Association (APA). I have three mentors on my photographic journey: Emma Zhao and Sean Huang, who introduced me to photography through their mobile photography classes. They introduced me to a new world of photography and I started to learn post-processing.
My fascination with the world of photography made it impossible for me to stop learning, especially after I met and studied with Professor Larry Deng, many new ideas, impressions, techniques attracted me forward and non-stop.



For many of us, photography is either a hobby or a way of life. How would you define your relationship to photography?

Photography is not just a hobby for me, it connects me to the world in a special way through my camera. My camera not only takes a picture, but also expresses the feeling of the beauty of each moment that I have captured. It is also a way to get away from the numbers, formulas, etc. that I work on every day.


'Looking through'


What would you say is the most important experience that has influenced your steps in photography?

Participating in several sections of Professor Deng's workshop led me through an unpredictable world of photography; his way of presenting his artworks opened my eyes to the understanding of photography; from there I know that I can express my creative ideas in my images, and I love it whenever there's a new way to present my image.


'The Nest Builders'


'Love in the Air'

You have your own style, but your work is very diverse.  I see street photography, creatively edited work, landscapes... Can you explain why that is?

The world is beautiful, whether you are climbing a big mountain in Iceland, sitting by a famous river, walking in a shopping mall, attending some special event on the street, or enjoying the sunset shining on the roses in your garden, even in a corner of your office when the sun rises through the wall, there is always a moment that touches you and attracts you to open the shutter of your camera or your phone. I cherish every moment I capture and try to express my feelings in an artistic way through my final product.
My working schedule is very tight and busy, I don't have much time to explore many places around the world; therefore my camera is mostly focused on the daily life stories around me, the street photography, macro and especially creative editing are my normal categories. When I have time off work, I would definitely go to the places I long for and enrich my profile with landscape and wildlife categories.
No matter what and where, when I shoot, I feel the click, I feel the art!


'New Bridge View'

What is more important to you, the mood/story behind your images or the technical perfection?

For me, definitely the story behind the images. The right technique is the basis for a photographer, the mood can define and perfect your images, but the story, only the story would add the emotion and express a moment that differentiates each time and each image. 


'Let's Dance'



What generally is your relationship to your subject matter beyond being an observer?

Do you prepare carefully the locations where you are intending to photograph?

First, I am an observer, and I would further connect my heart to learn my subject in my own way, and then to present it through my final product.
I would definitely prepare ahead of time when I intend to go on a photography trip. Mostly I would invite 2 to 3 of my photographer friends, decide the season and timing before we start to book our flights and accommodations. I will also be searching to learn the location, the local culture, and other things that attract me. In addition, I always search some existing images to obtain an idea. Thoroughly research is an important step to benefit my trip, and prepare the right gears to bring with me to enjoy the trip.  


'To the end...'


'Tram 28'

Describe your overall photographic vision.

“I like it when one is not certain what one sees.
When we do not know why the photographer has taken a picture and when we do not know why we are looking at it, all of a sudden we discover something that we start seeing. I like this confusion.”
~Saul Leiter~

My vision is to record the moment properly, express it artistically; learn and enjoy, be my own style.


'Walking in the mall...'


'Cosmos Garden'

Could you please tell us more about your workflow from idea to final product?

Due to my tight schedule, I mainly shot in my local area, even my routine commute from home to work, or events in nearby cities. Most of the time I shoot when I feel the touch and the right moment. I put my emotions into my shutter, when I pan the camera towards the towering trees, it's because I feel the rhythm of their connection between heaven and earth; when I slip off the motorway to take a detour on my way to work, it's because I see the rising sun and people walking their dogs in the glow... harmony, romance... each moment has something that touches me, and I express it in my final product because of that moment. The same is true when I travel, whether it is a family holiday or a special photography trip.
Photoshop is my main tool for post-processing, I usually do quick adjustments, tone, sharpen my images, for wildlife and landscape or documentary images, as these are very much done when I shoot on location.
However, other times I may spend more time studying my images; I like to remember my feelings, my emotions when I shot them on location; I like to creatively express my emotions in my final products.
Whether shooting on location or post-processing, I like to learn and apply new skills, new ways to present my images. Lately I have become very fascinated with impressionistic and abstract photography, using ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) and/or ME (Multi-Exposure), pictorial photography techniques, many of my images are now presented in this way.
I like the feeling of drawing through my camera.


'Lisbon Street'


'Porto Impression'

Where do you look for inspiration and what inspires you the most?

My images are only published on, 1x is always my first and best source of inspiration. The platform not only presents so many excellent photographers and their beautiful images, but is also very knowledgeable, I have learned a lot from 1x.
The "Magazine" is my favourite place, I enjoy reading about the excellent photographers, the featured exhibitions; learning from the stories behind the images and the method of how to..., I also love the newly added "Thursday Spotlight" section.
The feedback from the curators always gives me ideas for improvement, and I also visit the "Forums" a lot and learn a lot from the senior critics, thanks to their feedback and hard work.



Many are of the opinion that the gear is not very important when the passion for photography is strong. However, can you please share with us what gear you use (camera, lenses, lighting, tripod, etc.)?

Camera: I have a Canon 5D Mark IV, and recently upgraded to Canon EOS R5.
Lenses: I have Canon 16-35mm for wide angel shot; 24-105mm for street, portrait or performance shot; 100mm Macro lens for garden/macro shot, and a Sigma 150-600mm for wildlife shot. I don’t use falsh, and my tripod is from Leofoto.
Another important gear for me is my iPhone 14 Pro Max, I shot from it very often.


'Potts Falls'


What is your favourite photo? Please tell us the story behind it.

Dog walking... I took this photo in April 2023 when I visited Portigal with three other photographer friends of mine. It was a very nice trip together with friends who share the same hobby; we enjoyed the food, we chased our favourite yellow trams, we learned and tried ICM photography and enjoyed the different way of the result...good memory.
This photo was taken on a sunny day, late in the afternoon, when we were walking along a street in Porto, a little tired but emotional...suddenly I saw this beautiful and colourful street, the man walking the dog down the hill, quietly, leisurely, with the beautiful street lights, the shadows of the flowers and the sunlight on both sides of the street walls. I was touched by the scene, the peaceful moment, the light and the harmony, I had an idea of how I would process the image, so I quickly took the photo on the spot.
In my post-processing, I applied exactly what I felt on the spot, refracting, adding warm tones and a painterly feeling as if I were drawing it out of my imagination. Every time I look at this picture, it takes me back to that trip, where we had our moments of joy, laughter and cherished memories. 


'Dog Walking...'


Who are your favourite photographers or mentors whose work has influenced you and your photography?

There are many photographers on 1x and from our association who have inspired and influenced me, but there are a few that I must mention at this moment:
I started my professional photography by attending the mobile photography class held by Emma Zhao and Sean Huang, they are my first and unforgettable mentors, their work and enthusiasm for mobile photography inspire me all the time.
Larry Deng: he is not only my mentor, his style and concept of photography opened my eyes and guided me through the whole wonderful world of photography.
Below are some of my favourite photographers who inspire me with their special style:

Intimate landscaping photography

Aidong Ning 

Floral photography

Lydia Jacobs
Judy Tseng

Creative, ICM+ME photography

Carmine Chiriacò
Cindy Liu
Milan Malovrh
Shenshen Dou

ICM/Abstract photography

Stephanie Johnson 


'Folk Dancer'

Now that we have almost reached the end of this interview, I would like to ask you to tell us about any plans or photographic projects you would like to be involved in.

I don't have any specific plans or projects at the moment, I would just keep looking for new techniques and skills, get in touch with excellent photographers... but most of all, be creative and have fun!


'Book Store'

Is there anything else you would like to add and what do you think of 1X as a home base for your work?

1x is absolutely my home base, for learning and for connecting with friends in professional photography. I joined 1x in 2020 when I was a beginner, I was very excited when my first photo was published and then my first photo was awarded... it is always my place to find resources and inspiration. I appreciate all the work done by the crew members and the wonderful team. 

I am also very honoured by the invitation for this interview, it means a lot to me and encourages me to continue on the right path...many thanks, dear Yvette.


'To the right...'

Great work that is inspiring even I saw the work again. Congrats!
Thanks again!
Great work that inspiring as though I saw them first time. Congrats!
Many thanks my df Hui!
Weiwei PRO
Weiwei PRO
Congratulations my dear friend Molly! Your work is so creative and inspiring! You are such a talented artist! Thank you dear Yvette for this great interview!
Thank you so much, my dear friend Aidong! You are my idol, my teacher and my friend, admire your art pieces very much, thanks for your always support, learnt a lot from you, love!
Such a wonderful journey and amazing art vision.Congratulations, dear Molly, and thank you for sharing your art! Thank you, dear Yvette, for this inspiring interview!
Thank you so much for your support, dear Gabriela! Still remember we discussed about one of my "fish in town" image, it was very grateful to meet each other on, and I also admire your art pieces.
My pleasure, Gabriela
I admire your work and your creativity dear Molly. Always enjoy every picture you upload! Thank you for charing, hope to see much more! Thanks to Yvette for take and make this interview.
Dear Greetje, same here...I so admire your art pieces as well, especially your architecture images amazed me. Thanks a lot for your support!
Always great to have your appreciation, Greetje.
Great work Molly
Thank you very much Jesus, much appreciated!
Awesome! Congratulations,so proud of you! Looking forward to more great work!
Thank you dear Irene, I am your fans, too.
Congratulations my dear friend! Truly impressive and inspiring!
Thank you my df Xiaolin for your support!
Mei Xu PRO
You are very talented. Love your creative works.
Many thanks dear friend Mei, I admire your beautiful works too.
Very impressive photo collection, congratulations on your amazing work!
Thank you my df Leah, admire your beautiful art works as well!
Very impressive works, love them very much, admire your creativity,congratulations dear Molly!
Thank you very much dear friends Gu and Hongchao for your support, very admire your works as well.
I'm very proud of your superb work. Congrats dear Molly!
Dear Mia, much appreciate your support and kind words...admire your art pieces as well.
Wow !! Fantastische Bilder und ein toller Bericht. Herzlichen Glückwunsch.
Many thanks Michael!
Congratulations on your amazing work. Dear friend.
Thank you so much, dear friend Sonya!
Love your work Molly! Congratulation!
Thanks dear Nancy!
Fantastic work, Molly! Congrats!
Thank you my friend Louie, love your photography!!!
Very impressive works. Congrats.
Many thanks Hanping!
You are a versatile artist, your works are amazing and inspiring! Congrats!
Thank you dear Patty for your kind words and support, much appreciated!
Very very impressive as I have watched you from a starter to an artist in the matter of 2-3 years due to your diligence, humbleness, and talents. Congratulations!
Many many thanks to my friend Grant, you are my inspiration as well, and your brilliant writing skills and your landscape photography!
Very impressive works, admire your creativity, dear Molly!
Many thanks dear Shenshen, for your support! Love your arts and creativity, so glad that we finally e-meet each other, will keep learning from you as well.
I'm proud of what you've accomplished. Congrts Dear Molly ++++++
No words can express how much appreciation that I have for you, dear professor Larry, thank you from my heart!
Super Impressive art photograph collection, Congrats!
Thank you dear Yanny for your kind words, appreciated!
Dear Molly, I admire your work ..Love your wonderful creative style of images. My congratulations and best wishes to you :)
Thank you so much dear Rana...every piece of your work inspired me, much appreciated for your support!
Dear Moly I am very impressed about your photo technique and the way you present it. Please accept my sincere praise and admiration. Excellent photo artwork I congratulate you from bottom of my heart and I should not forget to thank Yvette for sharing it with us.
Thank you Miro!
Many thanks dear Miro, much appreciated to the crew team that has presented us so many excellent photographers.
Dear Molly, your achievements in a very short period of time are impressive, congratulations! So proud of you, dear sis!
Thanks you favourite image brings me back to the trip as always. Love!
Very impressive and diverse portfolio! Congratulations on your achievement!
Thank you very much dear friend Nichole!
Very impressive work, congratulations!
Many thanks Jian!
I am very honoured, dear Yvette. Thank you so much to present my work, 1x is a wonderful platform, the Magazine is one of my favourite section that I have enjoyed and learnt a lot from all the excellent photographers, and further improved myself. I am proud to be one of the member!
And I'm proud to have you here now ;-)