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Featured exhibition: Exploring the Inner World

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 17th of August 2024


This months' featured exhibition is titled 'Exploring the Inner World'  by chenyi wang 


Chenyi's still life photography is unique and conceptual.
She quotes : 
Still life appears to be static, but it can possess vitality, capture a fleeting moment, or hold symbolic meaning. Through still life photography, I aim to use my lens to convey this vitality and strength, embracing this significance with emotion, and expressing the flow of feelings. By directly capturing what I feel and the various relationships formed through interactions with the world, I strive to create a rich, vibrant, and wondrous inner world.


I invite you to explore chenyi's unique and beautiful conceptual still life work.
This exhibition which will be exposed on our opening page  / 
Gallery during the whole month of July 2024. 
Click here to see the entire exhibition:  [47] "Exploring the Inner World" by chenyi wang (

To trigger your curiousity, here is a small compilation of images out of this fine exhibition.



'tulips at night'
Congratulations on your creativity... but I suggest you reflect (like Michel Tournier) on the following: if existing means being outside... what is outside exists and what is inside does not exist, it is something that only insists on existing... but does not exist. So what does the "Inner World" mean?
Stunning art,congratulations
Congratulations for your beautiful work Chenyi Wang
A wonderful and unique exhibition, dear chenyi. You are creating a wondrous inner world through still life images. So wise. Congratulations, my friend.