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Thursday Spotlight #3

By Editor Peter Davidson
Edited and published by Yvette Depaepe, the 1st of August

We are introducing a new feature specifically for those shots that have been overlooked by our many mysterious and secretive curators for an Award

Each Thursday, one shot from the current gallery of Published (but not Awarded) images will be displayed here in the Magazine. We hope you enjoy the images chosen and the authors gain some much improved visibility of their work. And who knows, whisper it softly, maybe one of these shadowy curators might have a softening of their cold dark hearts and even Award the image...


                                                                                                        Snake Girls by Elena Molina

This weeks image is from the photographer Elena Molina who photographed these girls, apparently in their village of Diourouzon in the Mountains of Man. Unfortunatly, Elena has not provided any other information and I'm unable to discover more about where this is located. Maybe Elena will enlighten us a little more. 
The picture however, does stand on its own merit. A strong direct gaze from a face all but hidden in beautiful tribal decoration, loses none of its power to captivate. Two girls back to back, engaged in a tradition we can only guess at. Simple, powerful and captivating. Yet not Awarded...
A great work!
Strong image. It certainly doe stand on its own. Please continue this Thursday spotlight topic.
Credo che questa fotografia vale un premio. Narra una storia, che per tante persone come me, è lontano dalla mia ambiente. Guardando lungo, pian piano si può scoprire i particolari.
Fingers crossed for the award to come. I really like the photo and the strong view of the girl. Congratulation for the photo.
I think it's a powerful image that doesn't need a lot of information if it doesn't want to be integrated into the documentary category. It deserves an award...