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Rachel Pansky: Expressing thoughts, memories and longings

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 5th of September 2022

Rachel Pansky has an endless admiration for impressionist painters and loves to turn photographs into paintings.  Taking pictures, creating and continuously learning, helps her to combine her love of photography with her love for art. Her images also allow her to express her thoughts, memories and longings.  Let's discover the sensitive person behind her photographs through this fine interview.


'The clown's mask'

Dear Rachel, can you briefly tell us about yourself and your hobbies?
I was born in Tel Aviv, Israel.  I am a mother of 4 children and grandmother of 10 grandchildren.
I made a career as a manager in an insurance company and now I am retired.
My hobbies are travelling in Israel and around the world, reading and especially Creative editing in Photography.

How has your history and life experiences affected your photography?
I inherited from my parents, the love for beauty and aesthetics and sensitivity to people.

In my life I have experienced a lot of love and beauty but also pain and loss.

Which are your most important experiences that has influenced your art?
The e
xposure of my work and the participation to workshops about creative art were essential to me.  But also visiting Museums, art exhibitions, and watching other people work. The encounters with foreign cultures was also enriching to me.

What first attracted you to photography?
A friend advised me to join a photography course.

I did it and fell in love. I rediscovered colour, light & beauty and I started seeing the world in a frame.  Since then, I haven't stopped taking pictures, creating, and learning. Photography helped me to deal with the loss of my dear husband and to understand that there is life outside of work. I especially like street photography, studio dancing and landscapes.


'Dancing with the light'


Why are you so drawn by creatively edited photography?
I discovered creative photography editing when I joined the Sebastian Michales course “Photoshop Artistry” and realized that this was the direction in which I wanted to continue. I was always frustrated that I didn't know how to draw.
Creatively edited photography brought an answer to that frustration and allowed me to combine the love of photography and the love of art.

What is more important to you, the mood,/story behind your images or the technical perfection?
The most important thing for me is to create an atmosphere, a story, much more than the technique.

What generally is your relationship to your subject matter beyond being an observer?
I love my creations.  In all of them, I express my thoughts, memories and longings. I don't like to explain my photos and prefer to let the viewers discovering their own story in them.

Do you prepare carefully the locations where you are intending to photograph?
Only in studio photography. More usually there are random street shots.

What gear do you use (camera, lenses, bag)?
I take pictures with my NIKON D850 and have a selection of lenses for different purposes.

What software do you use to process your images?
I use Capture one, Photoshop and Topaz

Can you tell us something more about your work flow?
Sometimes I start with an idea and then search in my photo database for those images that will make the idea come true.
Sometimes I see a certain situation and take a shot knowing that it's the beginning of a new creation.

What is your most important advice to a beginner in creatively edited photography and how do you get started?
My advice is simple : create, create and never stop creating. Also, never despair.

Look at the works of others and continue learning.
It's a wondrous world that’s well worth the effort.

Who are your favourite photographers and more importantly, how has your appreciation of their work affected how you approach your own photography?
I was influenced by the painting of the impressionist painters and love to turn photographs into paintings.




I love and am influenced by photographers and creators like Sally Mann, Franziska Goodman, Annie Leibowitz and Ansel Adams. Henry Cartier Bresson, Brooke Shaden, Alex Tsoddard, Carolyn Hampton and many others.

Is there any specific photo taken by another photographer that has inspired you a lot and why?
There are so many. Too much to pick out a single one ;-)

Are there any specific directions that you would like to take your photography in the future or any specific goals that you wish to achieve?
I want to delve into my art, to be more precise, to be more careful about the light, to move to the abstract, to have an exhibition and to continue to learn and enjoy the work.

Describe your favourite photograph taken by you and why it is special to you?


I like this photo because it has atmosphere and it tells a story.  Also because I used a long exposure technique that I really like.

Is there anything else you wish to add and what do you think about 1X as a home base for your work?
Art is a magical world. To be able to expose my images to the wonderful creators / members of  1X site enriches my work and knowledge.

You can see some of my photos in my website














'The bridge'



'The red balloon'



'The red dress'






'The nymph dance'






'A pray'



'The way out 2'



'The lady in black'



'Dancing on the bridge'


Amazing photos, congratulations!
Thank a lot, Ricky.
Thanks a lot, Ricky.
Great images, like the simplicity and mood.
Thank you, Chris. I am very glad that you like my style.
Thank you, Chris, I am glad that you like my style
Excellent work following the theme: an eclectic, creative approach and a nostalgic mood.
Thanks a lot, Francisco. Appreciate your comment.
Thank you, Francisco. I appreciate your opinion
Wonderfully presented creative and diversified gallery. Thanks for sharing your exciting story with us. My compliments, Rachel ,to you and to Yvette for this exciting interview with such beautiful works
Thank you so much, Arnon for your support. I appreciate your opinion.
Well done Rachel for the fabulous and beautiful images you create through your photography and thank you Yvette for introducing us to another artist from the big 1x family
Many thanks, Francesca.
Very artistic and impresive! I am a fan, congratulations Rachel!
Many thanks, Yanyan.
Absolutely beautiful and artistic collection! Learning!
Thanks a lot, Wanghan. Gald you like my work.
Rachel. Fabulous work and beautiful art you create through your photography a true inspiration, and again thank you Yvette another great magazine piece.
Thanks a lot for your appreciation, Colin.Rachel's work is unique!
Many thanks, Colin. I am very glad that you like my art.
Absolutely stunning work , congratulations Rachel and thanks Yvette for presenting her work and interview
Thank you, dear Anita! So many talented photographers to discover on 1x.
Thanks a lot, Anita.