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Roxana Labagnara: Featured 1x Photographer

by Yvette Depaepe
Published the 18th January 2021 

Roxana Labagnara  defines herself as a 'memory keeper' carrying a camera in her bag since ages.
She quotes Annie Leibovitz to describe her vision on photography:
“One doesn't stop seeing.
  One doesn't stop framing.  It doesn't turn off and turn on.” 
Roxana always is in search of what happens around her to capture and eternalize, may it be street photography or architecture photography or black and white photography or creatively edited photography as long as she can create mood and emotions.

Let's wander through her work and listen to what she reveals about her personality behind her work.
Enjoy !


'Share the road' 



'Father and son'

I would like to start by thanking 1x for giving me this space to share my personal story with the rest of this wonderful community. 
And special thanks to you, dear Yvette, for your hard, caring and loving work that makes this such a wonderful place for all of us.

I was born and raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I lived there until 2008, when I moved to California, the place I call home now.

Since I was very young, I became the "memory keeper" among friends and family.
I always was the one carrying a camera in my bag, taking pictures of everyone and everything spending fortunes developing photos and compiling albums…

To better describe my overall photographic vision, I would like to quote Annie Leibovitz when she says "One doesn't stop seeing.  One doesn't stop framing.  It doesn't turn off and turn on".
I am always observing what happens around me, and having a camera of cellphone by the hand to make those images eternal.

True, my work is very diversified and I can only think that this is because I never really was  interested in specializing only in one type of photography.
To me, diversifying my work is a way of growing as a photographer.
And it just happens naturally that I feel attracted to different kinds of images: Street photography is one of my favourites, but I also enjoy abstracts with textures and patterns, architecture, double exposure, black and white, creative edit.


'Noisy stranger'


'Manhattan way'







Sometimes inspiration shows up while watching something as it is, and you go for it.
Some other times, it comes from scenarios you had in mind and you wanted to create. In this case, I use my own images and then while editing I combine them to create a story that I want to share.
The final result might or might not be what I expected, and not suitable to pass through curation.
Nevertheless, I always have a great time during processing and whatever the result is, remains.


'Balconies on Wilshire Boulevard'



'Facing fears'





In all of my images, the mood, the story behind the image is way more important to me than the technical perfection.  Don' t get me wrong:  you need to know what you are doing, you need technical knowledge and I deeply respect photographers that spend hours talking about gear, lenses, filters, tripods.  I just don't feel the same way.  I prefer mood above technical perfection.





'The Blue City'


I'm never preparing carefully the locations where I'm intending to take photographs. Usually I just observe what is happening around me having my camera or only my cellphone ready to use.  Happily, I am lucky enough to travel a few times a year and that is also a very valuable source of inspiration.


'Daily scene in Centro Habana'





I am using a Canon EOS 5D Mark III but also a Nikon Coolpix from time to time. When I don't have my cameras with me, i-Phone – you all know the saying “The best camera is the one you have with you".
I have two different tripods that I alternate, and a few very roomy and comfortable backpacks to carry everything and keep it organized.

I use some wonderful tools in Photoshop as well as in Topaz and Luminar.  
I am not an expert in editing so I can enjoy a lot playing and exploring different things within each of these programs.

Regarding my “work flow”, I see photography as my "safe and healthy" space.
The time I spend taking photographs, or working on them during processing, is the time I am really 'imbibed: here and now, feeling that everything else could and should wait.  I am totally "in the photographic zone" and it feels great.


What would I say to a beginner in photography?
Try to learn from the ones you admire.
Value the critiques when they come from a respectful and caring place. Don't rely too much on other's opinions: Art is very subjective and we all like different things.


I have many photographers I admire and from who I learned a lot.
Every time I look at Dorothea Lange's "Migrant mother" I feel the same emotion and admiration.


'Migrant mother' by Dorothe Lange


Vivian Maier is one of my favourites as well as Cartier Bresson, Sebastiao Salgado, Steve Mc Curry and many more talented artists… the list would go really long!

According to my own work, I really don' t have a favourite photograph which I could mark as "the one".  But some of my images including dogs are among my favourites.


'Nap time'



'Clotilde and Pancha'



'Centro Habana'


To end this interview, I would like to say that one of the things I value the most as a 1x member is the exceptional quality of the published images.
Being a member since 2013, , and having so many talented artists around on a daily basis showing their wonderful works, is the perfect platform to grow.


Great to read the entire interview and enjoy your wonderful photographs Roxana. Thanks for that, and thanks to Yvette's enormous work. A hug.
I really liked the images you created and your story, Roxana. You have a very diverse creativity, you are always in search, it is admiring. Congratulations on the excellent interview and many thanks to Yvette for the opportunity to get to know such a wonderful author.
Thank you so much for your time and your kind comment Vladimir!
Thank a lot for your appreciation, Vladimir !
It's always interesting to learn something about the person behind the camera, and this is no exception. Your unconventional approach to photographing and discovering the motifs can be seen very clearly when looking closely at your photos, you have found your style! Many thanks also to Yvette, who made this interview possible.
Thank you for your kind feedback and support, I really appreciate it Rolf.
It's a honour to me to find the artists of our community, to interview them, Rolf ;-) Thanks for your appreciation, my friend.
Many congratulations Roxana, a well deserved honor! Thanks Yvette!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read the interview dear Francesco!
Thanks for your appreciation, Francesco!
Dear Roxana, thanks for sharing your insights as a photographer, I can find myself in your story. Your gallery is incredibly beautiful, very poetic, and human. I love your ability to have such varied galley where all photos carrying your very personal and touching signature. My compliments on this great interview. As always, my gratitude to Yvette for making it so good.
Thank you so much dear Arnon, I really appreciate your support and kindness very much.
Thanks, Arnon ... Main reason is - of course - the artists themselves. It's a matter of honour to me to present them in the most beautiful way on the magazine. They deserve it all !
Grazie Massimo!
...and interesting interview, Yvette
Thank you, dear Miro!
Beautiful photo gallery, accept my congratulations Roxana.
Thank you so much Miro!
Dear Yvette, thank you so much for this interview. I am very grateful to you and 1X for offering me this space to share my work and interact with so many talented artists. It's a great honor.
My pleasure, dear Roxana! It was great to interview you and to learn so much more about you. Cheers, Yvette