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Ben Goossens: Exhibition "Surreal Photomontages" on the belgian coast

by Yvette Depaepe



Ben Goossens  has an invaluable sense for photographic art.
Since his time in Art school, he has spent the last 40 years perfecting his own surreal style of photography.  He previously realized his visions using traditional techniques, such as airbrushing, gouache and AD markers.

When digital processing became available, it allowed him to take his work to a completely new level.  Since then, he has won awards in almost all photo contests available, both in his home country Belgium and internationally. You can find his work worldwide in books and in magazines.

If you want to meet the “Magritte/Dali” in photography, don't miss his exhibition.

Restaurant Delissimo
Zeedijk 111-114 in Middelkerke (belgian coast)

Delissimo is open except on Wednesday from 12pm till 9pm.
During July and August open every day from 12pm till 9pm

If you are visiting the belgian coast, take this opportunity to admire the best of Ben's work.

Here's a small selection of his exhibited surreal montages.


“Ecological freedom”


“Through the frame”

“Golden herbarium”

“May nature overcome...”

“Make love, not war !”

And many more...

Stunning Ben!!! My compliments !
Ben, Al een fraaie samenvatting van je werk en als bewonderaar van je bijzonder mooie werk, wens ik je veel succes bij je tentoonstelling
Bedankt Theo!
congrats, Ben. wish you a great exhibit there and all the luck. greetings
Thanks Paulo...I don't know till now if it had success?
Wonderful collection of images and I wish I lived closer to see the exhibition in person. As Martin said, Ben's images seem like a window into what Dali might have done with modern tools. Imaginative, fantastical, creative, inspirational.
Much appreciated Greg:-)
Magníficos trabajos,me declaro gran admirador de tu obra,un abrazo.
A Ben genius. Great job selection. Congratulations to both. A greeting.
Thanks a lot Jose:-)
Dag Ben... Spring er eens binnen wanneer ik er passeer... Alvast veel succes toegewenst.
Je bent welkom Glbert... en voor de rest laat ons hopen.
Wordt ongetwijfeld een groot succes ... proficiat Ben !
Bednkat Marc en de volgende ben jij om daar te exposeren dacht ik?
Yep, ik kom na de grootmeester :)
Wishing you all the best, it will surely be a success, Ben :)
Thanks Cecy... let's hope!
Ik ben óók al jaren fan Ben, zoals je weet! Spijtig dat ik er niet zal zijn: nét even te ver voor een Ollander! Ik wens je veel enthousiast publiek!
Bedankt Huib:-)
Son travail est vraiment grandiose, j'adore !!!
Glad you like it Thierry....its a question of love or hate IMO
Ben fan van Ben ! Spring zeker es binnen in Middelkerke, als ik het in het binnenland niet meer kan houden :-) Succes maat !
Bedankt Eddy ... je bent welkom:-)
Ik kom zeker langs, Ben !
J'adore !!!!!! Congrats !!!!!
Thanks Simona:-)
Dear Ben, your photographic exhibition will be an assured success, I'm happy to see your masterpieces right here in your gallery. Thanks to Yvette for everything. Ciao
Thanks, Tina. It's my pleasure to contribute a little to the success of Ben's exhibition. Cheers, Yvette
Dear Ben, many congratulations for this exhibition that will be a great success. Perhaps you are the current Dalí of photography. I wish you all the best. A hug from Spain! Yvette, as always, thank you so much!
No thanks, Martin! My pleasure to promote a little our greatest artists ;-) Hugs back, dear friend!
Ik ben al jaren een soort bewonderaar en we wippen deze zomer zeker ook wel eens binnen bij Delissimo in Middelkerke.
love so much all works of Ben !!! Excellent artist... Good article, Yvette
Thank you, Carmine! All honors go to Ben of course!
Hartelijk dank Yvette...laat ons hopen dat de mensen ervan kunnen genieten! Grts, Ben
Graag gedaan, Ben! We sturen er alle leden van de "lage landen" massaal naartoe ;-)