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1x is a curated photo gallery where every image have been handpicked for their high quality. With a membership, you can take part in the curation process and also try uploading your own best photos and see if they are good enough to make it all the way.
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Your daily 1x Magazine

When we started the 1xMagazine, the purpose was to give you in-depth interviews and articles concerning the 1x community and the world of photography in general. We couldn't be more pleased on how it turned out. We are also happy that so many of you have enjoyed the magazine and we are very grateful to everyone who has helped make the magazine what it is.

We do however feel that the current magazine format has its limitations. There are so many exciting things happening in the world of photography that we want to bring to you right now.

That's why we have decided to make the magazine our new blog. Instead of having to wait several months and then get all the articles at once, you will be able to read them the moment they are done. 

You will first notice this change due to the increased level of editorial material that you will be able to read here. Focus will be less on site news and more on world class photography, which is what 1x in the end is all about. You will be able to read  articles from the old magazines as well as brand new material, including interviews with some of the most exciting photographers right now. Of course, appreciated segments such as Photographer of the week and Monthly theme will still find their place.

We hope that you will enjoy the 1xMagazine in it's new form and stay with us in the search for the sublime.

"News for generations" by Steffi Atze.
Nice change and I'm waiting to see how it works !
Looking forward to this; great idea! Grtz, Nick
Excellent idea, congrats Thomas !!!
this will be awesome. congrats, Thomas, for another great improvement