Try 1x for free
1x is a curated photo gallery where every image have been handpicked for their high quality. With a membership, you can take part in the curation process and also try uploading your own best photos and see if they are good enough to make it all the way.
Right now you get one month for free when signing up for a PRO account. You can cancel anytime without being charged.
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Tell us what You Think

We are making a survey about 1x and the new site, so if you have any feedback, log in, go to the front page and fill in the poll, it will only take a few minutes. The new 1x has been vastly improved and a wide array of new features have been implemented since the release in the beginning of March, thanks to the great suggestions from our most engaged members. Giving someone critique is showing that you care and we are here to listen because it is our members who make 1x a great place, not only contributing with beautiful photos but also your ideas and thoughts. The next big thing we are planning  is to release mobile apps so an important part of the survey is about what mobile devices you are using.

Would love to see an app implemented!
I would much appreciate a mobile app for the iPad, a perfect medium for exploring and watching photographs.
A 1x mobile app would be great. Do it!!
Thank you for listening to feedback from your users. I'm excited to see the upcoming changes.